猎人:荒野的召唤/theHunter: Call of the Wild


《猎人:野性的呼唤》是一款由Avalanche Studios开发的第一人称射击打猎游戏。本作为玩家提供一个美丽开放且充满生机的自然世界,打造身临其境的个人狩猎经历。从雄伟的野鹿再到令人敬畏的野牛,从无数的鸟类再到昆虫,整个真实的自然生态系统都将呈现在玩家眼前。


The following DLC are included:


• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Medved-Taiga• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Revontuli Coast• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Vurhonga Savanna• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Facing the Wild 1• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Smoking Barrels Weapon Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Trophy Lodge Spring Creek Manor• theHunter: Call of the Wild – New Species 2018• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Remi Warren• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Weapon Pack 1• theHunter: Call of the Wild – ATV• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Weapon Pack 2• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Bloodhound• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Mississippi Acres Preserve• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Te Awaroa National Park• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Wild Goose Chase Gear• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Weapon Pack 3• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Cuatro Colinas Game Reserve• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Duck and Cover Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Yukon Valley• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Bearclaw Lite CB-60• theHunter: Call of the Wild – High-Tech Hunting Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Saseka Safari Trophy Lodge• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Assorted Sidearms Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Modern Rifle Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – New England Mountains• theHunter: Call of the Wild – New England Scout Cosmetic Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – TruRACS• theHunter: Call of the Wild – New England Veteran Cosmetic Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Parque Fernando• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Shooting Range• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Backpacks• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Silver Ridge Peaks• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Free Species: European Rabbit• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Tents & Ground Blinds• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Treestand & Tripod Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Rancho del Arroyo• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Layton Lake Cosmetic Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Hirschfelden Veteran Cosmetic Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Hunter Power Pack• theHunter: Call of the Wild – Emerald Coast Australiav2613683|集成DLCs|容量79.4GB|官方简体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄|赠满财富技能小屋位置存档


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